Best Link Ever! Yung Jake –

by Will Brand and Paddy Johnson on March 20, 2012 · 1 comment Best Link Ever!

Screenshot AFC

We mostly noticed Yung Jake’s because it name-checked us, but we’re glad we did. Let’s hear it for transparent ploys!

If you don’t remember Yung Jake from his Datamosh hit last year, this pretty much sums it up: Yung Jake is responsible for the only time RapGenius has mentioned Ryder Ripps. He’s a rapper, but also a CalArts student with digital skillz, and the two make a good combination. takes the digital side to a new level, building a tightly-choreographed web of browser windows to take the user on a tour of Jake’s virtual rise to fame. It’s like Arcade Fire’s cheeseball Wilderness Downtown video from last year, only it doesn’t suck.

When they’re not being used for aesthetic evil, it turns out those same tricks can be pretty sick; snatches control of your browser from you, throwing a succession of slightly-altered websites and Javascript tricks at you even as the lyrics demand you embed it (and thus determine the context for yourself). We approve.

In other news, Yung Jake is also amazing and will help you with your art. Serious:


{ 1 comment }

Ben C. March 20, 2012 at 8:46 pm

Whoa. When’s the Rhizome panel on 3.0?

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